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Shin Ultraman (2022)

Action | 112 minutes
2,81 8 votes

Genre: Action / Adventure

Duration: 112 minuten

Alternative titles: Shin Urutoraman / シン・ウルトラマン

Country: Japan

Directed by: Shinji Higuchi

Stars: Takumi Saitoh, Masami Nagasawa and Daiki Arioka

IMDb score: 6,4 (4.003)

Releasedate: 13 May 2022

Shin Ultraman plot

"Have you become so fond of humans, Ultraman?"

Shinji Kaminaga is a man capable of turning into a building-sized hero. That way he can protect the planet. This soon proves necessary when various creatures begin to threaten his city.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Shinji Kaminaga

Hiroko Asami

Akihisa Taki

Yumi Funaberi

Tatsuhiko Munakata

Hajime Komuro

Kunihiko Kariba

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  • 9215 messages
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While we are kept busy with Marvel movies, Japan also did not sit still and released an Ultraman film adaptation in the context of the "Shin Japan Heroes Universe". I'm not familiar with this character despite the existence of quite a few TV series since the 1960s. If you like Godzilla-sized superheroes, you're in the right place. The world is plagued by kaiju invasions, but fortunately there is Ultraman to reduce them to dust particles. Aliens also try to do all kinds of diplomatic tricks.

The story is gigantic nonsensical, but no more nonsensical than the average Marvel film... However, the superhero terminology does little for me. The dialogues are really worthless. I have to admit that the special effects were worth it and the film certainly looks big budget, without forgetting the retro atmosphere of the older series...

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