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Rebel Moon: A Child of Fire - Part One (2023)

Action | 133 minutes / 204 minutes (director's cut)
2,84 409 votes

Genre: Scifi

Duration: 133 minuten / 204 minuten (director's cut)

Alternative title: Rebel Moon - Part One: Director’s Cut

Country: United States

Directed by: Zack Snyder

Stars: Sofia Boutella, Charlie Hunnam and Michiel Huisman

IMDb score: 5,6 (133.362)

Releasedate: 15 December 2023


Rebel Moon: A Child of Fire - Part One plot

"There are no heroes. Only rebels."

A peaceful colony on the edge of the galaxy is threatened by a tyrant-led army named Balisarius. The desperate citizens then call on a young woman with a mysterious past. She is given the task of looking for warriors from nearby plates who could help them against this threat.

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avatar van NielsW


  • 6 messages
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It was really great

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avatar van joran194


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Awesome movie! Good acting and the story is well put together!

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avatar van Mickey b

Mickey b

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As an SF enthusiast, this is right up my alley. Many planets, each with their own atmosphere, various creatures, spaceships, action, developed characters and a good story. A bit of a dark version of Star Wars. Because originally this film was intended as a Star Wars film. Only here you have a slightly different atmosphere. Why dark? However, there is a lack of color and humor. Not a bad intention, but don't expect Guardians of the Galaxy and don't expect neon cities or lightsabers either. It is a really serious SF and I think it is a success. The only downside is that the bad guys on duty are again a kind of Nazi soldiers. I think it could have been a bit more original. Indiana Jones also suffers from these same bad guys... Furthermore, I was not bored for a minute and am already looking forward to part 2. There would also be a longer version of 3 hours. Read that the official critics are tearing down this film and the real Zack Snyder fans are praising it. Well, I think I have become a Snyder fan, because I don't understand the negative criticism. Of course, if you are not an SF fan, you better ignore this one. Personally, I'm glad that another seriously conceived SF is being released. Has become a rare genre (not counting the many superhero films). So I cherish every SF. And certainly those who want to create some kind of empire like Star Wars once did (and still does). Outclassing Star Wars is impossible for me because I am a true SW fan, but this film is one that still appealed to me. If you like Dune and Star Wars stories, you will enjoy this one too.

So it's a bit Nazi with Roman types and medieval farmers in a futuristic setting.

Since there are so many genres of SF, you quickly want to make a comparison with another film, but in fact this film deserves its own identity without references.

Hence 4*

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avatar van rep_robert


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The woke discussion above is a bit hopeless. It is never emphasized that women are great and men are stupid. Then you can also consider Ellen Ripley and Sarah Connor as woke. These people are looking for something to bitch about and then start bitching about what is completely wrong with this movie, because there is plenty to bitch about. If something is woke, you can call that bunch of fighters gathered together. Every race and gender is represented. They all get a brief introduction, but they each really add nothing to the film.

Without any contradiction, they participate in a suicide mission and then end up somewhere in the background.

That's Zack Snyder's biggest problem in this film. A lot of visual blah, but 0 substance. It flies from topic to topic without creating a nice, smoothly flowing story. The story is simple, but not compelling. Characters are introduced, but then nothing else happens to them. A lot of emptiness reigns.

And I'm really tired of that visual blah blah by now. It's just the same bullshit as every other Snyder film. A lot of slow-mo's and a lot of playing with light. But if you fill in the green screen background differently, you can actually recognize every film of his in it. It's just exactly the same as all his other films.

Unfortunately the CGI is also very bad and everything is just incredibly boring. The ships, the Nazis in space... Extremely uninspired and ugly.

It's just that Snyder gets away with the fact that this is a space adventure. But again it's just not good. After 20 years he may try another trick. This is just very ugly and empty. Just like all his other films from the last 10 years.

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