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Planet of the Apes (2001)

Action | 119 minutes
2,77 2.064 votes

Genre: Action / Scifi

Duration: 119 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Tim Burton

Stars: Mark Wahlberg, Tim Roth and Helena Bonham Carter

IMDb score: 5,7 (236.317)

Releasedate: 25 July 2001

Planet of the Apes plot

"You'll be sorry you were ever born human."

2029: Astronaut Leo Davidson embarks on a routine mission aboard a cruiser on a space station. However, he suddenly finds himself in a wormhole and lands on a strange planet where monkeys rule over humanity. With the help of some human rebels, Leo tries to evade a gorilla army and find a sacred temple.

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avatar van john mcclane 2

john mcclane 2

  • 3347 messages
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the costumes, and the design were very impressive.

But considering it's a burton movie it's not very good.

The ending was very good,,, you may have left with some questions.

But did justice to the ending of the original Planet of the apes movie,

A personal interpretation with an ode to the original.

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Well okay.

Burton makes a reasonable attempt here to modernize the Planet of the Apes classic. Unfortunately, he only partly succeeds in this, because it doesn't look very special. Those monkeys in particular don't look very convincing.

Wahlberg does play a nice role, although he is a bit too serious. A lot of fantasy has been used and this provides the necessary spectacle here and there. Especially the battles are nicely designed and know how to captivate. So great action.

The story is a bit too long, but never really boring. A pretty smooth film, too bad the monkeys couldn't have looked better. Then just use CGI. Reeves and Wyatt later did this a bit better than Burton.

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Planet of the Apes is very well represented with the beautiful decor, styling and a fine cast. If you like these movies, this is definitely one of the better ones.

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