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Feng Hou (1979)

Action | 116 minutes
3,55 31 votes

Genre: Action / Comedy

Duration: 116 minuten

Alternative titles: Mad Monkey Kung Fu / 瘋猴

Country: Hong-Kong

Directed by: Chia-Liang Liu

Stars: Kara Wai

IMDb score: 6,7 (1.225)

Releasedate: 5 October 1979

Feng Hou plot

The brother of a Chinese opera girl, who practices Monkey Kung Fu, finds himself wrongly accused of sexual misconduct and is paralyzed as punishment. His sister is forced to marry a brothel owner. He befriends a petty thief and trains the young man in kung fu. Together they strive for justice.

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Little Monkey

Chan Tsuei Hung

Duan Shiangyuan

Duan's accountant

Duan's mistress

Teahouse owner

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