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Tian Xia Di Yi Quan (1972)

Action | 105 minutes
3,57 47 votes

Genre: Action / Drama

Duration: 105 minuten

Alternative titles: King Boxer / 5 Fingers of Death / Hand of Death / 天下第一拳

Country: Hong-Kong

Directed by: Chang-hwa Jeong

Starst: Lieh Lo, Ping Wang and Wong Gam-Fung

IMDb score: 7,1 (4.277)

Releasedate: 28 April 1972

Tian Xia Di Yi Quan plot

"Come prepared for the thrill of a lifetime!"

Chao Chi-Hao undergoes rigorous training for an upcoming tournament where he must represent his school. When his master is killed, this tournament suddenly takes on an extra charge because his master's killers also participate in the fighting tournament.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Chao Chih-Hao

Sung Ying Ying

Singer Yen Chu-Hung

Master Meng Tung-Shan

Meng Tien-Hsiung

Master Suen Hsin-Pei

Master Sung Wu-Yang

Lu Ta-Ming

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avatar van Onderhond


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It sometimes seems that I appreciate the early Shaw Bros films a little better. It all looks a bit neater, a bit neater and above all a bit less volatile. Or maybe I just got a little more used to the older style?

Think it's okay. Although there isn't really anything that really stands out. Combat is nice but not very striking. A little more aggressive perhaps, with a little more fake blood, but otherwise the usual tumbling and posing.

Story is also not very original, but you don't have to have that expectation with a Shaw Bros film anyway. Camera work okay, although I was occasionally bothered by some rough close-ups. Soundtrack otherwise not so striking, except for the well-known horn of course. Can't imagine him in Kill Bill anymore, I probably know him as a sample in one or the other song.

This kind of film mainly remains fodder for fans, if you have little interest in it then there are hardly any Shaw Bros films that can change your mind I suspect. But every now and then it tastes good, as a snack. Never last too long and always have the smoothest finals. So perfect filler.


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Like many early 70's movies (I'm thinking something like The Mechanic) this one is very efficient, no time is wasted. It is, of course, an exploitation film. Lots of fight scenes from start to finish. And they are quite well done, with a well-developed choreography that is filmed fairly tightly, without too many cuts, although, as can be expected, that often happens with somersaults and such antics. The film has a number of unexpected twists and shock moments in store that are quite hard, blood is not shunned. The bad guys are well cast. In any case, most of the actors liked it. Now I was listening to such a typical wooden English dub, but the facial expressions are striking in all their simplicity. Otherwise nice sets, although clearly studio work. Hong Kong already had a film production that could be there. This is not a classic like Enter The Dragon, but this one comes pretty close, although it lacks the humor of that topper (and the charisma of Bruce Lee). He got on my radar because he was in Tarantino's top 10 (which feels pretty random, by the way).

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About this film I can be brief: one of the best martial arts films ever made. Top-chopsocky! Non-stop kung fu action from start to finish in which three fighting schools compete with each other in the run-up to a competition. The Baisheng school is the most treacherous and wants to eliminate its opponents through murder and intimidation.

And that sound during the opening credits makes a horn ring, of course.

If you're stuck on which of the hundreds of Shaw Bros films to watch next, and I had to recommend a few, this would definitely be one of them.

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