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Beyond the Law (1992)

Action | 108 minutes
3,25 180 votes

Genre: Action / Thriller

Duration: 108 minuten

Alternative title: Fixing the Shadow

Country: United States

Directed by: Larry Ferguson

Stars: Charlie Sheen, Linda Fiorentino and Michael Madsen

IMDb score: 6,4 (8.155)

Releasedate: 22 April 1993

Beyond the Law plot

"Some men are meant to stand between good and evil."

Young and impulsive cop Dan Saxon is fired by his corrupt superior. Immediately after this he is approached by the secret service. He wants him to infiltrate the rough environment of the motorcycle gang 'The Jackals'. The gang is involved in drugs, arms smuggling and alcohol. Saxon accepts. After a few months, he realizes that it is becoming increasingly difficult for him to draw the line between reality and his undercover work.

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