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Bao Lie Xing Jing (1999)

Action | 92 minutes
3,00 2 votes

Genre: Action / Crime

Duration: 92 minuten

Alternative titles: Bullets over Summer / Bau Lit Ying Ging / 爆裂刑警

Country: Hong-Kong

Directed by: Wilson Yip

Stars: Louis Koo and Francis Ng

IMDb score: 6,7 (895)

Releasedate: 5 August 1999


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Bao Lie Xing Jing plot

In addition to being good friends, Mike and Brian have also been together in the police force for years. They team up on a case against Dragon, a notorious criminal. However, when Mike learns that he is fatally ill, he makes a deal with Dragon not to leave his family without money. But he doesn't forget Brian either, by informing him of an impending robbery.

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