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Soldaat van Oranje (1977)

War | 153 minutes / 207 minutes (televisie-bewerking)
3,77 2.951 votes

Genre: War / Drama

Duration: 153 minuten / 207 minuten (televisie-bewerking)

Alternative titles: Soldier of Orange / Survival Run / Voor Koningin en Vaderland / In Geheime Opdracht van Hare Majesteit

Country: Netherlands / Belgium

Directed by: Paul Verhoeven

Stars: Rutger Hauer, Jeroen Krabbé and Derek de Lint

IMDb score: 7,6 (14.240)

Releasedate: 22 September 1977


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Soldaat van Oranje plot

"Love first. Fight later"

The story, based on the memoirs of Erik Hazelhoff Roelfzema, is about Erik (Rutger Hauer) and a few fellow students who all experience the Second World War in their own way. At first, the youngsters do not see the seriousness of the situation. But the atmosphere becomes more and more grim when people are murdered and Erik ends up in an English spy plan.

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  • 54 messages
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Simply the best (Dutch) war film I've ever seen (already about 12 times).

Especially the music gives me goosebumps every time

Fantastic division of roles with an excellent Rutger Hauer and a wonderfully bad role by Rijk de Gooyer (in real life I believe he was in the resistance).

And then that ABN-Dutch (I always participate during the film), delicious!

If you haven't seen it yet: WATCH!!!

5 stars is actually too little.

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Verhoeven's classic.

I once had a high regard for him as a director. So I started watching his expensive blockbusters, which easily drew part of my childhood. His take on nice and rude violence was refreshing, but now it was time to discover more of his Dutch cinema. That soon turned out to be a disadvantage.

Especially because this all seems unrealistic and forced. Many well-known heads, sometimes even from actors who have also made international careers, but not a single conversation that comes across as natural. If there is also an attempt (at least, that's what I assume) to mix in some humor and characters, the party is already complete. Almost every dialogue or expression fails, so that there is never a sympathetic or recognizable puppet in between.

Fortunately, the course is adventurous and a nice balance is found in the variety of genres. Verhoeven knows quite well what entertainment means and therefore knows how to fill many scenes with bombastic spectacle that was certainly ahead of the time by Dutch standards. Occasionally a bit strange in terms of sound and also a bit boring, but the content is easy to follow and rarely gets boring.

If there's anything I've learned from the film, it's apparently that it's too difficult for us to pronounce our own language naturally. Or it's just too hard for the writers to write normal texts. The story is full of directions but is not very strong in content, it is mainly the pace and the many events that fill the film. Furthermore, especially annoyed by the many irritating characters and the total lack of sympathy. Film that, despite the bombastic content, I forgot in no time.

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