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Sneakers (1992)

Crime | 126 minutes
3,18 495 votes

Genre: Crime / Comedy

Duration: 126 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Phil Alden Robinson

Stars: Robert Redford, Sidney Poitier and River Phoenix

IMDb score: 7,1 (64.016)

Releasedate: 9 September 1992

Sneakers plot

"We could tell you what it's about. But then, of course, we'd have to kill you."

Martin Bishop leads a team of experts dedicated to testing security systems. Bishop, however, carries a secret from the past. When government agents confront him about this, he is forced to track down a secret black box for them. This turns out to be the codebreaker that grants access to the world's most secure systems.

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avatar van Roger Thornhill

Roger Thornhill

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A film that I can watch indefinitely (nine times already), with a perfect cast, good villains, a nice plot, many strong scenes, sometimes exciting and sometimes cringing (Liz who "seduces") Werner Brandes and a strong MacGuffin. But the most important qualities of this film for me are the ensemble playing and especially the humor: Mother's paranoid theories, Crease and Whistler passing on uncomfortable information to Martin ("Always give him head!"), Whistler reading a Playboy in Braille, Crease's " You get all the fun stuff! Tsk.", Bad bad Leroy Brown in an Asian karaoke bar and countless more examples. All those small moments give the film a pleasure and a vitality that I encounter in few other films (automatically I think of Tremors). And how many times the enraged Ben Kingsley echoes through my head: "MARTEEEEY!"
By the way, pay attention to Stephen Tobolowsky, already nice here as Werner Brandes, even more hilarious in Groundhog Day ("Phil? Phil Consurly?") but also chilling as the voice of the man who fires the alive-buried protagonist in Buried.

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avatar van K. V.

K. V.

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I thought the movie started well, but the movie was a bit dated and the story also took a bit too long for me. The movie has a good cast. Nice to see once, but that was it.

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Hey, good one.

No, rest assured this film is not about trendy shoes or about chocolate bars with nuts. A lot of big names for a spy film in which the humor is never far away. So many big names that actors like Aykroyd and Phoenix have to make do with bit parts. It tastes good. A hacker, Martin, (Redford) is approached by government officials to steal a box they care about quite a bit. He brings his team together but oh cliche, oh surprise, another monkey comes out of the sleeve. Thought it was a fine film with nice humor, a few tense moments and a fairly visionary premise for a 1992 film about large-scale hacking possibilities ... reality has now overtaken fiction. Thick 3.5*.

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