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Gettysburg (1993)

Drama | 271 minutes
3,63 260 votes

Genre: Drama / War

Duration: 271 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Ron Maxwell

Stars: Tom Berenger, Jeff Daniels and Martin Sheen

IMDb score: 7,6 (32.105)

Releasedate: 8 October 1993

Gettysburg plot

"Same Land. Same God. Different Dreams."

Summer 1863. The Confederates advance north toward Pennsylvania. The Union's divisions come together to face them. Two mighty armies stand ready to fight at Gettysburg, home to a theology school. For three days, the fate of "one nation, indivisible" hangs in the balance. The bloodiest battle ever fought on American soil comes to life in this film about the strategies, calculations, blunders and exploits that turned the tide of the Civil War.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Col. Joshua Chamberlain

Lieut. Gen. James Longstreet

Gen. Robert E. Lee

Brig. Gen. John Buford

Maj. Gen. George E. Pickett

Lieut. Thomas D. Chamberlain

Maj. Gen. George G. Meade

Brig. Gen. Lewis A. Armistead

Sergeant Buster Kilrain

Brig. Gen. Richard B. Garnett

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  • 15522 messages
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The problem with movies about the American Civil War is that they seem to have been made for an American audience, or they assume you already know a lot about them or have a certain interest in them.

That can be difficult for people who don't know much about it. What are they fighting for now, and especially in the beginning of the movie, who's who now. Once you're in it, you get a great movie with a lot of detail from some of the moments that took place in the battle of Gettysburg. The film contains a lot of dialogue, sometimes just a little too much. Then it is mainly the umpteenth long monologue that is disappointing for a while. The film wants to play too much on your sentiment there. That is noticeable, but it should not be noticeable. There are not many battles, but the ones in them are very long. The choreography could have been a little better here and there, but otherwise it looks fine. That cannon scene is really beautifully portrayed. Also the recurring element of brothers fighting brothers comes back nicely every time. Everyone is tired of the war and doesn't even understand what they are fighting for anymore.

Most of all I enjoyed the acting and the design of the film. You can really tell that a lot of thought has gone into props, sets and the costumes. Everyone looks really authentic. You really believe you're looking at the real deal. The fact that filming was done on the real locations also makes it a bit more real. In addition, all the actors are very nice in it. Sheen as Lee is really perfect. Berenger also shows fantastic work. However, Jeff Daniels steals the show here. Possibly his best performance ever.

A must for anyone interested in History or the American Civil War. The film does not really teach anything. It is well explained in the film. "Same land, same God, different dreams"

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With more than four hours of playing time, it's quite a challenge and certainly not equally entertaining everywhere. The spectacle is also not exactly virtuoso portrayed. Fortunately, the cast is fine and the dialogues are of a good standard. Very boring and long-winded at times; sporadically compelling and quite exciting.

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Gettysburg for the review, and where the film didn't really leave an indelible impression about three years ago, the film scores noticeably better this second time around.

The decent running time is still an issue, as is the occasionally poignantly bad soundtrack, yet the film makes a much better impression this time with its multitude of characters, backgrounds and reasons why they have to fight, and actually all against their will. , barring an overconfident or enthusiastic general. There is the old image of cannon fodder, the criticism of the high lords and the waste. But especially the story that is told several times about the duration of the war and the enormous toll that various battles took is what strikes and fascinates me the most this time.

Furthermore, Gettysburg has the usual image of some generals who would rather not sacrifice their men for officers who only care about fame, all the pros and cons of tactical decision-making at different times, the pride and honor of different officers fighting, of course mainly from traditional families, but also especially the image of an immense disorder on the battlefield where tactical and communication seems impossible and winning or losing seems a matter of luck.

And so Gettysburg makes a much better impression and I especially feel more in touch with how the makers intended it. Add half a star.

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