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Lenny (1974)

Biography | 111 minutes
3,65 192 votes

Genre: Biography / Drama

Duration: 111 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Bob Fosse

Stars: Dustin Hoffman, Valerie Perrine and Jan Miner

IMDb score: 7,5 (18.225)

Releasedate: 10 November 1974

Lenny plot

"Lenny Said It. "Hot Honey" Did It. Together They Shocked America."

Biopic about the life of controversial and trendsetting American stand-up comedian Lenny Bruce.

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Leland Palmer

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“Lenny” made me (a little) angry. And I'm not talking about the main character, who is really excellently played by Dustin Hoffman - what a great actor he is/was. It is mainly the hypocritical, narrow-minded America that acted like a total idiot at that time. Fortunately, a certain Lenny, a stand-up comedian, came along to put some dents in this situation. And the best man succeeded, albeit at his own expense. And that scheisse pissed me off. That's why the film touched me and hit me hard at times. That court, the police - fuck off. Hypocritical folks. Deep down, everyone knew that Lenny was absolutely right, but hey, they didn't really like freedom of expression. Some things have certainly changed, but so far this has been a timeless fact.

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Bob Fosse, the director, knows how to craft cinematic poetry, but cannot craft his verses into a convincing whole. What is he betting on, you wonder throughout the entire running time of the film. Valerie Perrine is introduced at the beginning, when she performs an erotic dance in a smoky establishment full of old gentlemen. The camera constantly navigates between the room and the dancer; we get the impression that Fosse wants to introduce us to the magic of the variety show environment. However, later this principle is abandoned again, and so it passes a number of times that it seems as if the biopic has mapped out a clear route, but immediately deviates from it without a valid reason.

In this way, drug use is highlighted, but then almost abandoned, as if we have to assume that their addiction also controls the remainder of Lenny and Honey's shared lives. The fact that Lenny ultimately succumbs to an overdose comes somewhat out of the blue, because previously the focus was almost exclusively on his judicial disputes and non-conformist lifestyles. Fragmentary is the best way I can describe this film, noting that there are plenty of fragments that make me lick my fingers mischievously. Precisely for that reason, the feeling remains that a missed opportunity has occurred here.

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Sir Djuke

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The biopic: always a difficult film genre. You must have a protagonist who must have at least the suggestion of a resemblance to the person portrayed. If it becomes a hagiography then you are left with a boring end product, if the main character is completely unsympathetic then it is difficult for the audience to identify with it. But if you have to choose, better the life story of a bastard than of a saint.

Musical and theater director Bob Fosse filmed the life of standup comedian Lenny Bruce in 1974 under the title 'Lenny' (well thought out) and Bruce was quite a nasty man. Yet Fosse makes it a compelling film by filming protagonist Dustin Hoffman close to the skin and not telling the story too explicitly. In passing you get a nice insight into the double standards of the United States.

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