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De Vierde Man (1983)

Thriller | 92 minutes
3,27 696 votes

Genre: Thriller / Mystery

Duration: 92 minuten

Alternative title: The Fourth Man

Country: Netherlands

Directed by: Paul Verhoeven

Stars: Jeroen Krabbé, Renée Soutendijk and Thom Hoffman

IMDb score: 7,2 (8.840)

Releasedate: 23 March 1983


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


De Vierde Man plot

In visions, the main character Gerard (Krabbé) receives sufficient lurid indications that his new girlfriend Christine (Soutendijk) cannot be trusted. Gerard is a writer whose imagination can run wild, but isn't it suspicious that Christine's three previous husbands died just like that? After the novel by Gerard Reve.

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Reviewed and find him actually quite strong. The black humor in combination with the occult story simply works. Lots of strong dream-like scenes and the basic concept that was also going to be used in Basic Instinct, make this a very entertaining movie. I see things from Hitchcock, Fulci and Bunuel.

As far as I'm concerned, you should absolutely not take this film too seriously (as Verhoeven would also explain) and the symbolism was to mislead critics (as Soeteman would explain). Simply low-key entertainment, even. Not perfect, but well above average. 4 stars.

[edit] comments disappoint me here, say!

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Quite a disappointment that I expected a bit more from. Nevertheless, I would still like to give the book a try with of course the hope that it will turn out better.

The story at the start is not bad, a writer plagued by visions, who no longer trusts his flame/girlfriend. The visions themselves are beautiful and disturbing, Krabbé acts fine as Reve and Soutendijk is of course particularly beautiful as a female beauty. The 'accident' is typical, even laughable and the final denouement is still quite nice, although not very unpredictable.

In addition to those good elements, De Vierde Man is a typical Dutch/Verhoeven product with a lot of explicit nudity, even more licentiousness and immorality and misunderstood behaviour. Krabbé who crawls out of bed at the beginning of the film and is in full view of several scenes with his pieleman. Recently someone had said that the many gross things in Brimstone were a middle finger to Hollywood, like; look what we dare! Now let me have that feeling in moments like this. A sniffing Verhoeven behind the camera who says: it's on guys! I find it downright tasteless.

And a shame it is, because the story is there, as is the mystery. The story of Reve, from the first person, probably because he himself at one point struggled with psychological problems, depression and aggression, sounds familiar in that sense. So it is not strange, nor is the runaway fantasy. The atmosphere in the beginning also seems good with dark music, a pity that this is not extended over the entire length and is therefore simply a missed opportunity.

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