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Nuovo Cinema Paradiso (1988)

Drama | 155 minutes / 124 minutes (internationale versie) / 173 minutes (director's cut)
3,92 1.024 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 155 minuten / 124 minuten (internationale versie) / 173 minuten (director's cut)

Alternative title: Cinema Paradiso

Country: Italy / France

Directed by: Giuseppe Tornatore

Stars: Philippe Noiret, Salvatore Cascio and Jacques Perrin

IMDb score: 8,5 (297.624)

Releasedate: 17 November 1988

Nuovo Cinema Paradiso plot

"An enchanted village. A wonderful friendship. Star-crossed lovers. And the magic of the movies."

A famous director (Jacques Perrin) returns to his village in Sicily for the first time in 30 years. He thinks back to his childhood in the Paradiso cinema where the projectionist Alfredo (Philippe Noiret) instilled in him the love for the film. He is also reminded of his childhood sweetheart Elena, whom he had to abandon when he left for Rome.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Salvatore 'Totò' Di Vita (adult)

Salvatore 'Totò' Di Vita (teen)

Salvatore 'Totò' Di Vita (child)

Elena Mendola (teen) / Elena's daughter (in Director's cut)

Maria Di Vita (young)

Ignazio, usher

Maria Di Vita (aged)

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I've seen the 124 minute version, I think it's the best for a first viewing. If you think it's a good movie, you can go and watch the extra material later, which probably will come of it someday because wow this is really a gem. Also one of the few films that genuinely touches me and from which I even managed to wipe 1 tear. That really happens far too little. That Alfredo is also a very wise man and that funeral was sad and oh so beautiful at the same time. And then the breakdown of cinema. I was shocked and completely moved. Pure nostalgia can be beautiful.

I think it deserves a place in my top 10. It will probably get even stronger with a re-watch within X number of years. So I immediately give Cinema Paradiso the full 5*.

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Nuovo Cinema Paradiso

Splendid. The love for film shines through at Nuovo Cinema Paradiso, and it shows how much influence cinema can have on a young boy's life. And the wise lessons of Alfredo, who sprinkles here like a kind of Yoda with wise life lessons.

Director Tornatore also gives a nice picture of the era of the 1940s/50s, and the changes that a small Italian village goes through over the years. It hurts when Salvatore comes back after all these years and sees how dilapidated the cinema looks. But it does give a realistic picture of how the medium of film has changed in the past 30/40 years, and of course also something about the economic decline in those small Italian villages. Nostalgia, and Nuovo Cinema Paradiso radiates that on all sides.

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Life is not like in the movies !

An ode to cinema! Beautiful cinematography, beautiful story, great nostalgic atmosphere enhanced by the presence of the music of Ennio Morricone and a very good balance between drama, romance and humor. The performances are good, especially Alfredo and little Toto play their roles superbly. A film about cinema : about the classics that are conjured up on the silver screen, the cinema room is full of legendary movie posters, the old projection rooms and last but not least the sublime ending with all those legendary film kisses from bygone times.
It's the movie pillows that were cut out of every movie that Cinema Paradiso has played.
Incidentally, the zeitgeist is always well portrayed. The era of the 1940s-50s in the Italian village is cleverly depicted, but afterwards the director also pays attention to a zeitgeist where there is no longer room for nostalgia and traditions. This is expressed in the harsh reality of transience and decline in the Italian village, which leads to a moving scene. And then the sublime ending is yet to come. A big 8/10

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