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Autumn in New York (2000)

Romance | 103 minutes
2,38 342 votes

Genre: Romance / Drama

Duration: 103 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Joan Chen

Stars: Richard Gere, Winona Ryder and Anthony LaPaglia

IMDb score: 5,6 (29.236)

Releasedate: 11 August 2000


Autumn in New York plot

"He fell in love for the first time. She fell in love forever."

Will is a 48-year-old playboy who doesn't believe in true love. However, that changes when he encounters 22-year-old Charlotte, who has a life-threatening tumor. She teaches him what true love is.

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Pretty nice twist of the given man with midlife crisis young lady playing chess in love. It felt like the dark version of Pretty Woman to me. Unfortunately, the chemistry between Gere and Ryder leaves much to be desired and the drama keeps bubbling too much on the surface. There really could have been more to this. But I still think you are a bit strict.

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This is one of those typical movies that I've seen parts of at least two or three times on TV, but never seen in its entirety; until a few weeks ago.

The film aims to tell an unlikely love story between an older man and a younger, sick woman. Not an odd fact in itself, but the main problem that the film has to deal with is that the middle part has nothing to do with content. Very little happens, and what happens is basically the same all the time (either the lovebirds are having a great time, or something happens that causes the relationship to crack).

Too bad, because the potential is definitely there with these two actors. It's fair to say, though, that I've seen both Gere and Ryder play better roles. Nevertheless, they do raise the level of the film, partly due to the mutual chemistry that I thought was okay. The drama part could have been a little more subtle. JK Simmons throwing his hat and the ensuing slow motion reactions... that sort of thing really ruins the credibility of that whole moment. This while a little later the film does manage to strike the right chord with the birds taking off.

Autumn in New York is not a catastrophic film. The low score here surprises me a bit. As far as I'm concerned, the film is not much inferior to the majority of such romantic drama films. The film is also beautifully shot; the city of New York is beautifully portrayed at times. All in all, an entertaining binocular, which misses the mark due to a lack of content and conviction.


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Autumn in New York

Oversentimental and sweet. It would almost give you a toothache. Ryder and Gere are decent, but the real chemistry is lacking. The film is too eager to stir emotions in the viewer, but actually achieves the opposite. The script is very thin and especially in the middle part the film collapses quite a bit. As a plus I have to say that the film has a nice atmosphere and you have to be an ice bunny to feel nothing at all. Thanks to the play of Ryder in particular.

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