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Modern Times (1936)

Comedy | 87 minutes
3,77 1.025 votes

Genre: Comedy / Drama

Duration: 87 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Charles Chaplin

Stars: Charles Chaplin, Paulette Goddard and Henry Bergman

IMDb score: 8,5 (269.131)

Releasedate: 5 February 1936

Modern Times plot

"He stands alone as the greatest entertainer of modern times! No one on earth can make you laugh as heartily or touch your heart as deeply...the whole world laughs, cries and thrills to his priceless genius!"

Starting out as a worker in a factory, a man (Charlie Chaplin) finds himself in all kinds of situations that illustrate the disadvantages of modernisation. He has a nervous breakdown and ends up in jail, desperately looking for work while also trying to build a good future with a girl from the street.

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A Factory Worker

Cafe Proprietor

Gamin's Father

President of the Electro Steel Corp.

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One of my favorite Chaplins. Charlie's perfect timing in his scenes is especially impressive. No actor in the world can do this anymore. One awkwardness is not yet completely off the screen when it falls off a chair again with a spontaneity that you can't believe is on purpose. A few memorable scenes; the beginning in the factory, the roller-skating Chaplin, but the most hilarious I found was the one in which the maintenance man is stuck in a machine while having a sandwich lunch. How did they get there? The very beautiful Goddard is also not too bad; she was his wife for some time. In addition, the film paints a picture of the economic recession in the 1930s with strikes and unemployment every now and then. Many consider the Great Dictator his best work, I personally go for Modern Times.

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Fisico (moderator films)

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Modern times is a parody of the modernization and further industrialization of industry. And the atmosphere of the great Depression of the 1930s in the US is also subtly reproduced here. Legendary is the image of a Chaplin being turned by the cogs and gears of the machine. Funny too, just like the machine that has to provide him with soup. A bit absurd here and there, how could it be otherwise, but the various misunderstandings also have their charm and once you are in the story, it remains fun.

Capitalism and exploitation are also addressed and the film and Chaplin make sure to expose this in his own satirical way. Modern times is a silent film, but subtle sounds have been added here and there. The film is very recognizable and still catches on today. The humor is nice and the message is very clear. Paulette Goddard does a great job as the (happy) girlfriend and she was Chaplin's in real life. Chaplin is always a joy to watch. The love affair is sweet, but charming at the same time. Love and freedom is what man needs. Nice!

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Beautiful film about a worker in a factory who finds herself in different situations. The scenes range from funny to hilarious. Original and often inventive. Definitely a product of its time about, as the title suggests, the modern age we live in (and especially commenting on it). Nevertheless, this is a timeless classic and in my opinion also Chaplin's best.

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