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Freddy Got Fingered (2001)

Comedy | 87 minutes
2,53 885 votes

Genre: Comedy

Duration: 87 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Tom Green

Stars: Tom Green, Rip Torn and Marisa Coughlan

IMDb score: 4,7 (52.463)

Releasedate: 18 April 2001

Freddy Got Fingered plot

"This time you can't change the channel."

Gordon dreams of becoming a cartoonist. He is forced to move back in with his parents, and then refuses to leave. Meanwhile, he falls in love with Betty, an attractive doctor who is in a wheelchair. She likes being beaten against her paralyzed legs with a bamboo stick, and her sexual aggression intimidates Gordon.

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  • 46 messages
  • 676 votes

A lot of filth and (pre)pubescent boy "humour". As an adult woman, I am not the target audience for this movie and I should never have listened to the friend who told me to give this movie a shot because it would be really funny.

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Maybe a bit dated, to see this for the first time now, but I like this kind of humor, reminded me of Borat, American Pie, Road Trip and such, nothing wrong with that. Actually laugh quite a lot, guilty pleasure

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Well, it had to happen. The scores don't disappoint me, but at least I couldn't do anything with it. For one very simple reason: it's not funny at all. Tom Green is mostly very loud, screaming, and also rude - but not rude in a way to make a hard joke, but most of the time the rudeness is the only joke. Well, luckily some can do something with it, Freddy Got Fingered can go down the drain for me.

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