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De Kleine Blonde Dood (1993)

Drama | 90 minutes
2,95 691 votes

Genre: Drama

Duration: 90 minuten

Country: Netherlands

Directed by: Jean van de Velde

Stars: Antonie Kamerling, Olivier Tuinier and Loes Wouterson

IMDb score: 6,7 (1.127)

Releasedate: 11 March 1993


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


De Kleine Blonde Dood plot

The poet Valentijn comes into contact with his former teacher Mieke again. They have a short-lived relationship and later it turns out Mieke is pregnant. Valentijn doesn't feel like taking his responsibility and abandons her. But when he later gets to know his son, a bond develops between the two.

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Revision, and the film turned out to be more beautiful than I thought.
The happening with "son gets close to father" is a bit chewed up. But personally I think it's quite nicely done here. Kamerling certainly does well when a boy who gives a shit about life but later tries to do everything for his son. Young actor Tuinier did very well anyway, top actor who is now best known for his role as Tim from "Het Zakmes". Unfortunately nothing has come of him now.

Fortunately there isn't too much sex in it, just that scene in that phone booth actually. Which by the way is not very Dutch, because in 1975 the Greeks already came up with this aspect. A nice scene was when Mickey is taken away from home by Valentine because he was beaten by his mother, and that Mickey, despite being beaten, still kisses his mother as a goodbye. Anyway, I really liked the second part of the movie. Everything will be fine. The music was certainly beautiful too. Camera work was very good, especially that last shot. The ending is touching but also beautiful.
4.0 and in my opinion one of the better Dutch films.

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A beautiful Dutch classic. A good story with excellent roles by Kamerling and Tuinier. I think the movie poster is the most negative thing I can think of. 3.5*

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Both Antonie and Olivier play a beautiful role.

A joy to watch those 2.

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