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Bad Lieutenant (1992)

Crime | 98 minutes
3,37 770 votes

Genre: Crime / Drama

Duration: 98 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Abel Ferrara

Stars: Harvey Keitel, Brian McElroy and Frankie Acciarito

IMDb score: 7,0 (49.845)

Releasedate: 20 November 1992

Bad Lieutenant plot

"Gambler. Thief. Junkie. Killer. Cop."

This film is about a villainous police officer who sniffs and steals and who basically only uses his police badge for illegal activities. That changes when he is confronted with the rape case of a young nun. She refuses to reveal the names of the perpetrators. When 'bad lieutenant' tracks down the perpetrators, he decides to make a deal with them.

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  • 1353 messages
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Do you think this is a game?

Sin, forgiveness and redemption in contemporary New York, with an impressive Harvey Keitel as a corrupted and addicted servant in a downward spiral towards hell. Brutal, uncompromising and in your face in his depiction of both 'sin' and of (Catholic) 'redemption'.

Ferrara does not waste time with a sketch of 'how did it come to this', or characterological explanations that distract from the core, but maneuvers his protagonist through a beautifully structured story with a tight hand into the position where he wants him: where he wants him to be. must choose.
That choice will no longer matter for his life, as it turns out; but all the more for his soul. His 'soul'? Yes.

You do believe in God, don't you?

That is in any case the rationale of the film, the setting in which one has to go along. Or shall we say, one has to believe in the importance of the choice faced by the Keitel character, otherwise the film remains a rather pointless undertaking in my view. With a number of brilliant, yes, but also incomprehensible scenes.

How difficult it is to bring this point (the importance of that 'choice') clearly into the limelight, is of course first and foremost in the nature of the Catholic 'message'. The film itself expresses that by having someone somewhere say (to Jesus):

No one really understands why you did it. We'd better just forget about you.

All right, this movie.

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However gross, dark and hopeless it all is, it really didn't affect me at all.

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Disappointing unfortunately, despite some nice things.

Bitter loss of New York detective who does just about everything that is not allowed and who abuses his position in a shocking way. A vicious circle that gets faster and deeper, mainly due to wrong 'bets'. From time to time Keitel does a great job of capturing the total collapse, although this part of the film is also where it goes wrong for me.

Although I understand that this is part of the film, Keitel's destructive course is followed for a very long time with delusions as the final piece. What I've been waiting for all this time, story, cachet and grip for the character, namely focus on the case, it barely comes by and only shows up in the last minutes.

Despite a strong acting Keitel, a great starting point, and a number of great atmosphere and shocking moments, the story and intention don't get off the ground for me. As said, disappointing unfortunately.

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