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Élite - Season 1 (2018)

3,69 59 votes

Show title: Élite

IMDb score: 7,2 (93.483)

Episodes: 8

Playing time: 6 hour and 37 minutes

Developed by: Darío Madrona and Carlos Caridad-Montero

Stars: Danna Paola, Miguel Herrán and María Pedraza

Origin: Spain

Releasedate: Friday 5 October 2018

First aired on: Netflix (Nederland)

Élite plot

Elite is about three teenagers who are sent to Las Encinas. This school is known in Spain as the best and most exclusive in the country. However, three teenagers who come to Las Encinas are not among the absolute elite, but they have no choice but to do so after their local school is destroyed by an earthquake. The children of wealthy parents are not waiting for the arrival of this trio and so a fierce battle erupts on Las Encinas. The confrontation between the poor and the rich students eventually leads to a murder.

Episodes Season 1 (2018)

  1. 1. Bienvenidos [Welcome]

    5 October 2018 (55 minutes)

  2. 2. Deseo [Desire]

    5 October 2018 (49 minutes)

  3. 3. Sábado Noche [Saturday Night]

    5 October 2018 (53 minutes)

  4. 4. El Amor Es una Droga [Love Is a Drug]

    5 October 2018 (47 minutes)

  5. 5. Todos Mienten [Everyone Lies]

    5 October 2018 (48 minutes)

  6. 6. Todo Va a Salir Bien [Everything Will Be Okay]

    5 October 2018 (48 minutes)

  7. 7. Todo Estalla [Everything Explodes]

    5 October 2018 (46 minutes)

  8. 8. Assilah [Assilah]

    5 October 2018 (51 minutes)

Full cast & crew

Actors and Actresses

Marina Nunier Osuna

Samuel García Domínguez

Carla Rosón

Guzmán Nunier Osuna

Lucrecia "Lu"

Christian Varela

Omar Shana

Philippe Florian Von Triesenberg

Fernando García Domínguez

Patrick Blanco

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Reviews & comments

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Triple G

  • 472 messages
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It all started off pretty strong. Plot, elaboration, characters, acting. Plenty of tension, enough development of characters, I enjoyed it, as well as seasons 2 and 3. After that it started to decline to a questionable level. Hardly a decent plot. The newcomers couldn't match the original characters. Except for a single, yet predictable twist and action, the only thing left to do was who did it with whom, why and repeating itself over and over again. The element of gay/lesbian relationships that was present from the start (which was presented excellently in the first seasons) later became, in my opinion, too prominent a role in which you had to wonder whether practically everyone inside or outside the school turned out to be LGBT. It would have included a powerful plot like in the first seasons. But hey, everyone has their own taste. The above is based on viewing up to and including season 6.

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I started this quite recently, especially because Spanish/Spanish-language series, mainly on Netflix, have often managed to fascinate me. Furthermore, the entire series apparently scores very well and yes, there are beautiful women involved in it, such as Ester Expósito, damn what. a beauty, also María Pedraza, Danna Paola and in the course of the series there appears to be even more beautiful women in review, yes I am not insensitive to that

The series is also very well put together, it is anything but a typical teenage/school series of the romantic drama kind, no, rather of a good drama-thriller kind, with the desired tension and experience. And in which the cast, regardless of looks, simply deliver top performances, which makes the total picture completely correct for me. And I still have 6 seasons to go, which is nice.

This first season gets a good 8 to 8.5/10...well a 9/10 is just a bit too much, although I can adjust that in passing when I get further into this series and can compare the seasons.

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