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The Shining (1997)

3,15 48 votes

Alternative title: Stephen King's The Shining

IMDb score: 6,1 (18.819)

Episodes: 3

Playing time: 4 hour and 30 minutes

Developed by: Stephen King

Stars: Steven Weber, Wil Horneff and Rebecca De Mornay

Origin: United States

Releasedate: Sunday 27 April 1997

First aired on: ABC (Verenigde Staten)


This season is not available on US streaming services.


The Shining plot

Jack Torrance and his family move into the gigantic but remote and vacant Overlook Hotel. A bit away from civilization. Away from the alcoholism that thwarts Jack's career as a writer. Away from the violent outbursts that plague Jack's past. But his son knows better. For the clairvoyant Danny realizes that the evil spirits that have been through the hotel are after his special gift - the shining.

Episodes Season 1 (1997)

  1. Episode 1

    27 April 1997 (1 hour and 30 minutes)

  2. Episode 2

    28 April 1997 (1 hour and 30 minutes)

  3. Episode 3

    1 May 1997 (1 hour and 30 minutes)

Full cast & crew

Actors and Actresses

Wendy Torrance

Jack Torrance

Daniel Anthony Torrance

Stuart Ullman

Pete Watson

Richard Hallorann

Horace Derwent

Howie Langston

Mark James Torrance (uncredited)

2nd Bodyguard

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