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SOKO Stuttgart - Season 12 (2020-2021)

2,50 1 votes

Alternative title: Stuttgart Homocide

IMDb score: 5,8 (209)

Episodes: 22

Playing time: 15 hour and 46 minutes

Developed by: Oliver Vogel and Torsten Lenkeit

Stars: Astrid M. Fünderich, Benjamin Strecker and Christian Pätzold

Origin: Germany

Releasedate: Thursday 15 October 2020

First aired on: ZDF (Duitsland)


This season is not available on US streaming services.


SOKO Stuttgart plot

Stuttgart is a city where social, economic and cultural contradictions sometimes cannot be reconciled without violence. It's a city that needs a special crime group: SOKO Stuttgart. The team knows this city like the back of their hands and slides smoothly from one level of society to another. From illegal casinos to mob racketeers. From greedy quality inspectors to thieving firefighters, and from avid Christians to bedridden mothers who can't die soon enough, their loved ones find…

Episodes Season 12 (2020-2021)

  1. 1. Nachts im Museum

    15 October 2020 (43 minutes)

  2. 2. Abstiegskampf

    22 October 2020 (43 minutes)

  3. 3. Schön bis in den Tod

    29 October 2020 (43 minutes)

  4. 4. Ruhe in Frieden

    5 November 2020 (43 minutes)

  5. 5. Burlesque

    12 November 2020 (43 minutes)

  6. 6. Systemfehler

    19 November 2020 (43 minutes)

  7. 7. Bunte Liebe

    26 November 2020 (43 minutes)

  8. 8. Placeboeffekt

    3 December 2020 (43 minutes)

  9. 9. Das Feuermal

    10 December 2020 (43 minutes)

  10. 10. Schmutzige Hände

    17 December 2020 (43 minutes)

  11. 11. Sugar

    7 January 2021 (43 minutes)

  12. 12. Der Tote Graf

    14 January 2021 (43 minutes)

  13. 13. Vermisst

    21 January 2021 (43 minutes)

  14. 14. Mein Anderes Ich

    28 January 2021 (43 minutes)

  15. 15. Liebe mit Handicap

    4 February 2021 (43 minutes)

  16. 16. Wer Hass Sät

    11 February 2021 (43 minutes)

  17. 17. Mietfrei in den Tod

    18 February 2021 (43 minutes)

  18. 18. Trail des Todes

    25 February 2021 (43 minutes)

  19. 19. Reunion

    4 March 2021 (43 minutes)

  20. 20. Paartherapie

    18 March 2021 (43 minutes)

  21. 21. Mehr Hubraum Als IQ

    25 March 2021 (43 minutes)

  22. 22. Schatzsuche

    1 April 2021 (43 minutes)

Full cast & crew

Actors and Actresses

Kriminalhauptkommissar Joachim 'Jo' Stoll

Erste Kriminalhauptkommissarin Martina Seiffert

Michael Kaiser

Prof. Dr. Lisa Wolter

Kriminalkommissarin Anna Badosi

Friedemann Sonntag

Cornelia „Nelly“ Kienzle

Karl 'Schrotti' Schrothmann

Nele Becker

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