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Mr Selfridge (2013-2016)

4 seasons
3,46 49 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Drama

Origin: United Kingdom

Developed by: Andrew Davies

Stars: Jeremy Piven, Ron Cook and Tom Goodman-Hill

IMDb score: 7,7 (17.174)

Releasedate: Sunday 6 January 2013

Mr Selfridge plot

At the beginning of the 20th century, shops were still purely functional. For example, they were hardly properly heated and lit, and there were even special employees who kindly showed the non-buying public the door. mr. Selfridge radically changes that; he brightens up his department store with a restaurant, elevators, air conditioning, a beauty floor and live entertainment. Based on Shopping, Seduction and Mr. Selfridge, the biography of Lindy Woodhead.

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