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Fort Alpha (1996-1997)

2 seasons
2,98 33 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Drama

Origin: Netherlands

Developed by: Peter Gorissen

Stars: Robin Rienstra, Tygo Gernandt and Tatum Dagelet

IMDb score: 7,9 (188)

Releasedate: Thursday 4 January 1996


This TV Show is not available on US streaming services.


Fort Alpha plot

Central to the Fort Alpha series is a HAVO 4 class, in which it is sometimes violent. Pupils who come from the Spiegel College, go over their necks from the cocks and balls of the Rijks. The students from the elite Reichs look down on the alternative, supposedly free types of the Spiegel. Not only the students have difficulty with the merger, also the teachers condemned to each other have such different ideas that conflicts are inevitable.

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  • 106 votes
Friday 8 May 2020
Fort Alpha season 1

Fort Alpha is about a new school that is created by a merger between the chic, classical Rijkscollege and the looser Spiegel college. The students come together in class and that creates a lot of tension among themselves. The teachers have their hands full with it, but things don't always work out between colleagues either because of the different views on education. Class 4b is an undisciplined mess that erupts into screams and screeches all the time and it is often embarrassing to see how rude they are to teachers but also how they interact with each other. The character Steffie Ouborg in particular is annoying. She's sort of Sylvana Simons avant la lettre, the extremist do-gooder type. Everything has to be according to her vision and anyone who thinks differently intimidates or taunts them. At the time it was a nice series, but if you look back now, you will see where the rot of today's society originated because it is this generation with the Me, Me mentality and does not want to be imposed by rules that is now in power. It was probably written and created by exponents of the 60s. The generation that believed that anything was possible and that they liked going against authority. Fort Alpha is now a nostalgic time document of young people in the 90s and many times more realistic than current series such as Brugklas or Spangas, but it loses out to Heartbreak High.

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