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Deutschland 83 (2015)

1 season
3,93 23 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Drama

Origin: Germany

Developed by: Anna Winger and Jörg Winger

Stars: Jonas Nay, Sonja Gerhardt and Alexander Beyer

IMDb score: 8,0 (15.265)

Releasedate: Wednesday 17 June 2015

Deutschland 83 plot

Deutschland 83 is set against the backdrop of the cultural struggles and political events in 1980s Germany. We follow Martin Rauch as the 24-year-old East German is snatched from the world as he knows it and sent to the West. as an undercover spy for the Stasi's foreign service. Hiding in the West German army, he must collect the secrets of NATO's military strategy. Everything is new, nothing is as it seems and everyone he meets is hiding secrets, both political and personal.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Martin Rauch / Moritz Stamm

Annett Schneider

Nicole Zangen, professeur de Max

Tobias Tischbier

Walter Schweppenstette

General Wolfgang Edel

Lenora Rauch

Brigitte Winkelmann

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Opinions about Deutschland 83

The reviews and comments below are selected at random from our extensive user contributions. If you want to write a review or post a comment yourself, you can do so on a specific season page.


  • 82 votes
Saturday 26 December 2015
Deutschland 83 season 1

Nice series, but sometimes very unbelievable. Strong game, nice decoration and nice soundtrack. Can't measure up to The Americans. 3*

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