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Kommissar Rex (1994-2015)

18 seasons
3,28 152 votes

Alternative titles: Commissaris Rex / Inspector Rex / Il Commissario Rex

State: Ended

Genre: Crime

Origin: Austria / Germany / Italy

Developed by: Peter Hajek and Peter Moser

Stars: Augusto Zucchi, Domenico Fortunato and Heinz Weixelbraun

IMDb score: 7,2 (6.383)

Releasedate: Thursday 10 November 1994


Kommissar Rex plot

He is the pride of the Viennese police force: the loyal police dog Kommissar Rex, the sleuth who bites into every case. After his boss is killed in a shooting, Rex is assigned to Detective Richie Moser. But his owner's death has traumatized Rex and Moser has to pull out all the stops to help the sheepdog get back on track. Once that's done, Moser and Rex prove an effective crime-fighting duo. Rex helps his owner track down drugs, weapons, corpses and suspects.

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Opinions about Kommissar Rex

The reviews and comments below are selected at random from our extensive user contributions. If you want to write a review or post a comment yourself, you can do so on a specific season page.

Serie fanaat_mm

  • 47 votes
Monday 15 June 2020
Kommissar Rex season 1

The very first season of Kommissar Rex
I have it on DVD at home, and have seen it many times.
Nice series.
Lead actor Tobias Moretti plays
a sympathetic role it makes sense that he
but until season 4 has competed in Kommissar Rex,
that actor Tobias Moretti, has a lot of talent
he is also cut out for other roles.
The episodes are fun from Season 1
Flucht in den tod is the most exciting episode.

I am from South Limburg myself
so i have no problem with german or english language,
with French language .

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