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Mr. Bean (1990-1995)

1 season
3,97 190 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Comedy

Origin: United Kingdom

Developed by: Richard Curtis and Rowan Atkinson

Stars: Rowan Atkinson, Matilda Ziegler and Robin Driscoll

IMDb score: 8,6 (137.085)

Releasedate: Monday 1 January 1990

Mr. Bean plot

He is a clumsy, selfish, narcissistic and often resourceful man, who regularly finds himself in hilarious situations when performing tasks that would hardly require any effort for a normal human being. Tasks such as swimming, painting a wall, taking an exam or making a sandwich; nothing goes as it should with Mr. bean. In order to get out of trouble, he must always come up with original solutions that make the viewer laugh.

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Lily at the Stereo

Boy with Train

Traffic Warden

Camera Thief

Pool Attendant / Man On Park Bench

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Opinions about Mr. Bean

The reviews and comments below are selected at random from our extensive user contributions. If you want to write a review or post a comment yourself, you can do so on a specific season page.


  • 23 votes
Monday 28 May 2018
Mr. Bean season 1

Gosh this is so old already. I think Mr Bean is great, especially his (in) ability to come to creative solutions to his problems is genius.

every skit is actually good but the most hilarious remains, The Christmas dinner and the visit of the Queen.

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avatar of tommykonijn


  • 299 votes
Friday 20 November 2015
Mr. Bean season 1

mr. Bean: You either hate it or you love it. Put me in the latter category. I have owned the complete series for several years and have seen all the episodes several times. Rowan Atkinson put down a simple, but now iconic character. Other creations of his, such as Inspector Fowler or Johnny English, are also nice, but Mr. Bean turns out to be a special case. Also the films with Bean, from 1997 and 2007, have never become as much fun as the TV series. Whether he's visiting the dentist, the pool or just trying to fall asleep, everything becomes ten times more interesting when it's undertaken by Mr. bean. I find the humor extremely effective and strong, and I still enjoy it to this day.


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