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Five Days (2007-2010)

2 seasons
2,80 10 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Crime

Origin: United Kingdom

Developed by: Simon Curtis, Hilary Salmon and Kary Antholis

Stars: Hugh Bonneville, Suranne Jones and David Oyelowo

IMDb score: 6,6 (3.711)

Releasedate: Tuesday 23 January 2007


Five Days plot

Leanne Wellings takes her two young children to her grandfather. She stops to buy flowers at a parking bay, but then inexplicably disappears. She leaves her two small children alone, far from home. Her two children decide to look for their mother but also disappear. their agony is captured on a security camera and soon the family's heartwarming trauma is not only a complex story for the national police but also a media hype.

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Opinions about Five Days

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  • 451 votes
Friday 19 August 2022
Five Days season 1

My attention to this 2007 BBC/HBO production was drawn to the intriguing poster. A red Peugeot 309 with an open door in an abandoned parking lot. It is immediately the most exciting part of the five-part Five Days. A mother and two children disappear. The research will be worked out in five - non-consecutive - days.

The premise, which is very gripping at its core, takes on an unintended lightness (press conference) due to the sometimes wonderful acting in the first episodes. The sequel is formulaic and has a confused scenario. It never gets exciting. Even if the Jane Tennison doppelganger shows up, Five Days can only dream of Prime Suspect's level.

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