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The Wayans Bros. (1995-1999)

5 seasons
3,06 9 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Comedy

Origin: United States

Developed by: Marlon Wayans, Shawn Wayans, Leslie Ray and David Simon

Stars: Marlon Wayans, Shawn Wayans and John Witherspoon

IMDb score: 7,3 (5.898)

Releasedate: Wednesday 11 January 1995


The Wayans Bros. plot

Brothers Marlon Williams and Shawn Williams live in New York. They share an apartment, and in it the only bedroom, with each other. Even though they are brothers, they don't share much more than their surname. For example, they often don't get along too well, and they often differ in opinion. Their flamboyant father often doesn't really cooperate either.

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