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ALF (1986-1990)

4 seasons
2,94 213 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Comedy

Origin: United States

Developed by: Tom Patchett and Paul Fusco

Stars: Paul Fusco, Max Wright and Anne Schedeen

IMDb score: 7,4 (40.751)

Releasedate: Monday 22 September 1986

ALF plot

ALF is about an average American family consisting of Willie, Kate, Lynn and Brian, where one evening an alien (from the planet Melmac) crashes into the family's garage with his spaceship. They call the creature ALF and decide to keep it in the house, but whether that is wise...

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Opinions about ALF

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avatar of hatebreeder


  • 305 votes
Friday 22 February 2019
ALF season 1


Everyone has their own preference, of course, but Alf, for example, scores quite high on imdb and the series you mentioned half a point less. So what is quality called? Now I have to be honest that that doesn't tell me everything either, because I believe that the series 'You' scores quite high, while in my opinion it is a dredging series.

I think the series Alf was a nice entertaining series especially for the time when it came out and I think it was quite popular back then. I can't change your grade, I understand that, but a grade 4 is very low.

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avatar of Donkerwoud


  • 653 votes
Friday 14 July 2017
ALF season 1

Childhood sentiment that I probably shouldn't force the carcass of, because it just might be a lot worse than it is in my memory. I especially liked that there was a bit of black humor in a sitcom starring a cuddly doll. That ALF is actually a hypocritical, selfish bastard.

dutch flagTranslated from Dutch · View original