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Renegade (1992-1997)

5 seasons
2,97 90 votes

State: Ended

Genre: Action

Origin: United States

Developed by: Stephen J. Cannell

Stars: Lorenzo Lamas, Branscombe Richmond and Kathleen Kinmont

IMDb score: 5,9 (6.027)

Releasedate: Saturday 19 September 1992

Renegade plot

Renegade is about an ex-cop, Reno Raines, who was falsely accused of murdering his girlfriend. The corrupt Lieutenant "Dutch" Dixon is the killer and has Reno locked up. With the help of Bobby Sixkiller, he escapes from prison and forms a team of bounty hunters with Cheyenne Phillips. Meanwhile, Raines searches for the only man who can clear his name.

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Opinions about Renegade

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  • 123 votes
Tuesday 24 November 2015
Renegade season 1

TV series that I used to always watch on TV, so it was great when I rewatched it recently.

Lorenzo Lamas isn't a great actor, of course, but he does a pretty good job as Reno Raines (also the pinnacle of his career I think). Only in emotional scenes does he not come into his own at all. He does fine as a vengeful motorcycle mouse, but as soon as a tear has to be wiped it becomes very embarrassing. Incidentally, the charismatic Branscombe Richmond is a nice addition to the cast.

90% of season 1 consists of Raines driving aimlessly through the desert and thus again having to deal with some killer. Those are often the best episodes. The few episodes that do deal directly with the 'main story' (namely the false accusation of murder) are also the weakest.

Nice action, nice one-liners, nice engine, but above all very nice to see again if you saw it very earlier on the TV. Of course it's all pretty mindless, but that too can be very entertaining. And of course extra credits for that epic intro always: Renegade Theme - Intro - YouTube

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