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Thirty Seconds over Tokyo (1944)

War | 138 minutes
3,29 38 votes

Genre: War / Drama

Duration: 138 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Mervyn LeRoy

Stars: Van Johnson, Robert Walker and Robert Mitchum

IMDb score: 7,2 (6.611)

Releasedate: 15 November 1944

Thirty Seconds over Tokyo plot

"Heart-Warming Romance . . . Ripped from the Heart!"

After the Pearl Harbor fiasco, the US urgently needs a victory. Colonel Jimmy Dolittle, a former stunt pilot devises a daring plan aimed at the heart of Japan. The aim is to have 16 loaded bombers take off from an aircraft carrier at the same time.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Ted Lawson

David Thatcher

Lt. Col. Jimmy Doolittle

Ellen Lawson

Davey Jones

Charles McClure

Lieut. Miller

Lieut. Jurika

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