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The Devil's Brigade (1968)

War | 130 minutes
3,22 86 votes

Genre: War

Duration: 130 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Andrew V. McLaglen

Stars: William Holden, Cliff Robertson and Vince Edwards

IMDb score: 6,7 (6.491)

Releasedate: 15 May 1968

The Devil's Brigade plot

"What they did to each other was nothing compared to what they did to the enemy!"

A pair of fringe figures are transformed into a well-oiled unit and eventually they will be deployed against the Nazis in Italy. Based on the novel by Robert H. Adleman.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Lt. Col. Robert T. Frederick

Major Alan Crown

Major Cliff Bricker

Pvt. Theodore Ransom

Sgt. Pat O'Neill

Pvt. Rocky Rockman

Cpl. Peacock

Pvt. Omar Greco

Pvt. Bronc Guthrie

Pvt. Hugh MacDonald

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