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Fear and Desire (1952)

War | 72 minutes
2,40 106 votes

Genre: War / Drama

Duration: 72 minuten

Alternative title: Stanley Kubrick's Fear and Desire

Country: United States

Directed by: Stanley Kubrick

Stars: Frank Silvera, Kenneth Harp and Paul Mazursky

IMDb score: 5,3 (14.346)

Releasedate: 31 March 1953

Fear and Desire plot

"Trapped… 4 desperate men and a strange half-animal girl!"

Four soldiers, hemmed in by the enemy, plan an escape along the river. On the way they see some enemy officers and they decide to kill them. When the soldiers attack the enemy officers, they discover that they are the victims of their own look-alikes.

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Lt. Corby / The General

Fletcher / The Captain

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Sergio Leone

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Stanley Kubrick, from what I read here, was not really satisfied with this film and I can understand him well. You can see his good intentions here and there, but the execution is really too amateurish, theatrical and often even clumsy. This is largely due to the cast, who really suck at it. Then Kubrick's attempt at a somewhat brooding atmosphere quickly becomes a difficult story. The playing time of barely 1 hour has already become quite a sitting.


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kleintje 2

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It is indeed very apt with the term "A child's drawing on a fridge" as is but keep reading. However, it is a very funny sight to have seen from a master like Kubrick. It's very philosophical in ways that don't really clarify what you're really looking at. It's an amateur production. But the first film you make also makes you as a director. It had something nice in terms of feeling, but please note that it does feel like a longer seat haha.

I found the movie in 4K on YouTube for free. For those interested, the link is here. It's legit, by the way, and it's the whole movie. The channel offers a lot of these forgotten films in 4K upscale. Go and try to download the movie yourself, as it is very rare on Blu-ray.

Fear and Desire 4K

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Mediocre debut from Stanley Kubrick. It is said that he himself was not at all pleased with it and has done his best all his life to make the work disappear from his filmography. With that in mind, the movie isn't that bad. There are a few strong moments and here and there Kubrick provides interesting visual details, but as a whole the film fails to impress. The meager budget and mediocre cast don't help either. I think the best scenes are those with the beautiful Virginia Leith, as the young woman who is captured by the soldiers.

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