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Az Ötödik Pecsét (1976)

War | 116 minutes
3,70 20 votes

Genre: War / Drama

Duration: 116 minuten

Alternative title: The Fifth Seal

Country: Hungary

Directed by: Zoltán Fábri

Stars: Lajos Őze, László Márkus and Ferenc Bencze

IMDb score: 8,5 (6.423)

Releasedate: 7 October 1976


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Az Ötödik Pecsét plot

"Let Both The Guilty and the Innocent Live In Fear"

Five men meet in a tavern, while the shots of the Hungarian police are heard outside. They speak of the best way to prepare meat and whether in being born again one would choose to be a cruel prince or a suffering servant. Their character and moral inclination are tested moments later...

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