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The Jacket (2005)

Thriller | 103 minutes
3,48 1.421 votes

Genre: Thriller / Fantasy

Duration: 103 minuten

Country: United States / Germany

Directed by: John Maybury

Stars: Adrien Brody, Keira Knightley and Jennifer Jason Leigh

IMDb score: 7,1 (121.374)

Releasedate: 4 March 2005

The Jacket plot

"Terror has a new name."

A veteran suffers from amnesia and returns to his hometown in Vermont. When he is arrested for murder and placed in an asylum, a doctor puts him on a heavy course of experimental drugs. As soon as he gets the substance injected, he is put in a straitjacket and locked in a storage drawer in a morgue. However, the drugs have a strange side effect: the man can see into his own future.

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Incredible in many ways, but the movie had me captivated. A great thriller, captivating from start to finish. And what a great actor Brody is.

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Roger Thornhill

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Unfortunately I couldn't finish this film in one sitting, so I had to wait until the next day to finish the last 45 minutes. And to be honest, as an experienced movie viewer it doesn't happen to me very often that I spend the rest of the day wondering how a movie would end, how the characters are put together (Dr Becker!) and how they are doing. would perish after the end of the film, which means that The jacket captivated me above average. Adrien Brody has just the right troubled intensity, Keira Knightley plays more than adequate, Daniel Craig is great as a mad fellow, Brian Eno's music hits just the right chord, and those desolate snowscapes always please me. I didn't really think about The butterfly effect for a moment (although I saw it for the second time about a year and a half ago), perhaps because it feels more like a film from present-to- past while The jacket has a present-to-future trajectory, perhaps also because The butterfly effect is much more spectacular in terms of (many) time changes and (sensational) events while The jacket keeps it small and subtle. As a result, this film also comes across as more realistic, as far as that is of course possible with a starting point like this, but in itself I had less trouble with that "time travel" than with the improbabilities of, for example those medieval situations in the institution, the visitors who They were allowed to walk around very freely there and a doctor who gave electroshocks to people's homes... but oh well. Never heard of this film before, but it was more than worth its one euro at the thrift store. And again the compliments for Brody's portrayal.

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Another great film where you afterwards Google what exactly you have looked at, and then read different theories and finally the statement from the director. Just a weakness that this can't be made clear for 100 minutes. So a 2.5*. Interesting but not enough for a pass.

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