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Frantic (1988)

Thriller | 120 minutes
3,23 849 votes

Genre: Thriller / Mystery

Duration: 120 minuten

Country: United States / France

Directed by: Roman Polanski

Stars: Harrison Ford, Emmanuelle Seigner and Betty Buckley

IMDb score: 6,8 (59.011)

Releasedate: 16 February 1988

Frantic plot

"They've taken his wife. Now he's taking action."

Richard and Sondra Walker attend a medical meeting in Paris. When Richard takes a shower after the meeting, his wife disappears. Since he does not master the language at all, this makes it even more difficult for him to seek help. The police do nothing, so he decides to search for it himself.

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The English word 'frantic' has many meanings, all of which apply to this film. With the beautiful music of Morricone and 'I've seen that face before' by Grace Jones as a common thread. Great movie with a good plot but unfortunately just not well enough developed by Polanski. I have now seen this movie for the third time and it continues to be good; however, this is by no means a masterpiece. The tension remains reasonable and the whole remains interesting despite the playing time. I can't really place the genre 'Mystery'. This should have been replaced by crime earlier. In any case, Ford plays a fine, and in this film the best, role.

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I definitely saw Frantic at the time, but not much of it had stuck. Just the stuff with the Eiffel Tower and the roof, sort of - and a vague memory of Seigner looking exciting. When revised, this turns out to be justified, although Seigner is now certainly less impressive. Not exactly Polanski's best work, although its weakest point is the weak script. Well, in 1988 we just had the last bit of the cold war, maybe that made it a bit better.

On the other hand, I believe this is the first in what has become more or less a genre in itself, and Liam Neeson as a specialist with what feels like dozens of titles according to exactly the same recipe. That also indicates something.

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Fisico (moderator films)

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Not really the most ingenious Polanski I've seen. At times I thought it was a pretty messy plot and not so clear what the police were or wasn't doing, let alone that I knew about the kidnappers. Harrison Ford then has to figure it out himself and he gets his most important impulses from the hotel reception. I also didn't think Ford himself was great in his role.

All in all, exciting and entertaining enough to keep you interested, but to find it all great now, certainly not. Not really worth adding to the "to be reviewed" list.

I liked the scene on the roof the most. The ending, on the other hand, comes across as a bit clumsy there on the Seine. Mediocre print with some lows. Not super bad, but quite entertaining, if only for Ford itself.

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