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Mutant Chronicles (2008)

Scifi | 111 minutes
2,32 318 votes

Genre: Scifi / Adventure

Duration: 111 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Simon Hunter

Stars: Thomas Jane, Ron Perlman and John Malkovich

IMDb score: 5,2 (27.384)

Releasedate: 7 August 2008

Mutant Chronicles plot

"Welcome to the 23rd century. The new dark ages."

This movie is set in the 28th century. Constantine (John Malkovich) heads an alliance that controls humanity and depletes the Earth's natural resources. When a marauding army of mutants begins a battle against humanity, Constantine gains the opportunity to destroy the world and flee with some of his faithful to a safe place.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

Brother Samuel

Maj. 'Mitch' Hunter

Cpl. Valerie Duval

Capt. Nathan Rooker

Lt. Maximillian von Steiner

Cpl. Juba Kim Wu

Capt. John McGuire

Cpl. Jesus 'El Jesus' de Barrera

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What an ugly movie.

Strange plot above as that only covers the first 30 minutes. After that Constantine is no longer in the picture and there is no search for a safe place. Instead, a group of loyalists sets out to find the source of mutants in order to destroy it. In the first respect not a bad story and there is certainly something to be made of it. Unfortunately they don't. First, I noticed that it's visually atrocious. Sets, studio, digital(?), it doesn't look like much, even though this film has a budget of 25 million. The kills are pretty cool (decapitations, headshots, etc), but it looks too done. The mutants are nice and the underground has some atmosphere. The actors seem a bit disinterested. Thomas Jane was pretty cool (The Punisher in my head) and I think John Malkovich was only used to make the movie a bit more talked about. At the end I was even nodding a bit.


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For a euro or three I always take films like this with me. Thomas Jane, Ron Perlman are nice actors. John Malkovich usually does too, but here he was extremely weak (and luckily he was out in no time). I think he had no idea what he was doing here. Mutant Chronicles has turned out to be another pretty fun movie (somewhat) against the odds. Of course the CGI is not something to write home about at some moments, but I did not find it annoying at all that the film plays in front of a green screen most of the time. In any case, it is important that the right atmosphere has been created.

That the structure of the story is not original and the fact that here for the umpteenth time an elite team in the lion's den has a mission, is a shame. In any case, it doesn't earn me any extra points. Most importantly, the movie is entertaining. This science fiction is quite fun because of, among other things, a steampunk jacket, but also because of the fact that the mutants are nice bad guys. A lot can be said about the content. Certain things are indeed quite vague. There's plenty of action in it. Three euros well spent.

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dropped off midway. insanely bad effects, ridiculous acting and that atmosphere they want to create with that gray filter over works boring for this movie

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