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Monsters (2010)

Scifi | 94 minutes
2,81 941 votes

Genre: Scifi / Drama

Duration: 94 minuten

Country: United Kingdom

Directed by: Gareth Edwards

Stars: Whitney Able and Scoot McNairy

IMDb score: 6,3 (99.306)

Releasedate: 18 June 2010

Monsters plot

"After Six Years, They're No Longer Aliens. They're Residents"

Six years ago, NASA discovered possible extraterrestrial life in our solar system. A probe was sent into space to collect samples, but on return to Earth it crashes in Central America. When new life appears to arise, half of Mexico is quarantined and labeled as an infected zone. Today, the Mexican and American military are still trying to control the creatures. An American journalist agrees to escort a frightened tourist through the infected zone in Mexico, to America's safe border.

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  • 5678 messages
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Big windfall. I also think it would be interesting to see a making of of this film.

The road trip and social criticism work with the advantage that the latter does not come to the fore too much, but is clear when it is performed.

The two main characters also do well despite or thanks to the improvisational action that has been applied. The supporting characters in particular seem so natural.

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Pretty genius to call a movie Monsters when it's not about the monsters for a moment.

Apparently shot for an apple and an egg (you certainly can't tell) road movie/drama with two sympathetic characters (both very well played too) who end up in a world with an infected zone as big as Mexico, which they must travel through to get back safely to the US of A. Anyone who expects a lot of peacock-peacock sounds and tough acting will be disappointed: Edwards is mainly concerned with atmosphere and he often succeeds extremely well in this.

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Edward's breakthrough.

I'm aware that this movie wants to dig deeper than just being a monster movie and I appreciate that. In addition, the production also only had a budget of half a million and a team that traveled through areas where they should not go. Nice to know that they only had 7 people available as a team.

Monsters is a movie that touches on many genres. It is mainly a science fiction film with some adventure and romance, but mainly drama. In between very short thriller scenes, and the only scene that really contains action is the opening. I also thought it was the best part of the film, even if it's not really a typical scene for the rest of the film.

Well acted and some strong scenes, otherwise I found Monsters mostly boring. That is mainly due to the fact that no hole happens for too long that I couldn't do anything with. A nice atmosphere here and there, otherwise almost nothing that really involves the viewer in the story. Understand that there was not much budget available for great things, but otherwise there is simply not much to see as an alternative.

When the film shows its teeth, it is actually a strong film, but otherwise I was mostly bored. Nice to Edwards that this was the movie that unleashed his great Hollywood career, out of which bigger things came. Monsters is especially fun for those who don't like grand destruction and action, I couldn't do much with it myself.

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