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High Life (2018)

Scifi | 110 minutes
2,91 244 votes

Genre: Scifi / Mystery

Duration: 110 minuten

Country: France / United Kingdom / Germany / Poland / United States

Directed by: Claire Denis

Stars: Robert Pattinson, Juliette Binoche and Mia Goth

IMDb score: 5,8 (42.060)

Releasedate: 26 September 2018

High Life plot

"Oblivion Awaits."

Monte lives aboard a spaceship with his daughter Willow, isolated from everything and everyone. The lonely man uses a strict self-discipline as a protection against the desires. He belonged to a group of prisoners sent on a mission to a black hole and fathered Willow against his will to impregnate the young Boyse. Now only father and daughter remain. Through Willow, Monte experiences an all-encompassing love for the very first time and only together father and daughter arrive at their destination: the black hole in which all time and space cease to exist.

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avatar van De filosoof

De filosoof

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I couldn't do much with this. The story jumps back and forth in time so that you immediately know how it ends which takes away all the tension. In any case, what could be exciting, such as a fight, is not exciting at all, so that the film probably does not want to be exciting at all. But intellectual conversations or something like that are also not conducted so that the intellect is also not addressed. The film mainly refers to big science fiction films such as 2001: A Space Odyssey and Stalker (and Solyaris, I understand, but I haven't seen that film myself) and thus seems to simply want to be big by watching big movies. seem, but of course it doesn't work that way. The film looks interesting all the time, but it always seems like an interesting act without substance.

All in all, the film seems to take the themes of the big movies, such as reproduction and evolution, and to interpret them pessimistically: man can develop high tech and travel to black holes, but he remains 'low life' that ultimately only want to fuck. What also doesn't help is that I find many details in the story very unbelievable. The film also uses clichés such as that the one who abstains sexually is also physically the strongest (in this case: resistant to radiation) and is the only one who survives (as in horror films the virgin as unspoiled is the only one who survives) .

Story and theme are so little uplifting or interesting. The images are interesting and because of its style and ambitions, inspired by major films, the film pretends to do a lot, but in my opinion it fails to deliver.

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Fisico (moderator films)

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I have a bit of mixed feelings about this High life. Not a great one, but a film with the necessary potential. The basic idea of banishing convicted criminals on a rudderless spaceship is quite interesting. Unfortunately, the plot was a bit too thin. There are few scenes that really appealed to the imagination. There was never that wow feeling anywhere, but it never gets really bad either.

Fortunately, the editing does make up for it here and there. Not much happens. The alternation with some flashbacks was therefore welcome. You could see the film as a kind of social experiment by Jean-Kacques Rousseau in which a group of individuals are forced to live together. The film has a pretty calming premise. Everything is à l'aise until this abrusk is broken by some violence. Pattinson does quite well and keeps the film going. The atmospheric music and images do add wqt to the film. Unfortunately, the film will be banned from memory in the foreseeable future. Just a little too excited...

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OMG...how bad this was!

Another typical Arthouse film that wants to distinguish itself by wanting to do something special in terms of story, characters and images. And this is exactly what this film fails at completely. A story of nothing, boring characters and the images also failed to convince. Found the space inside the spaceship very simple and the outside was deliberately filmed very briefly. It didn't look like it. The theme might still appeal to you, but in the end that's just pretentious stuff. The story is also messy and doesn't have an ounce of suspense. One of the worst movies I've seen this year, therefore also the lowest score of 1/10

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