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Yasha-ga-ike (1979)

Romance | 123 minutes
3,28 9 votes

Genre: Romance / Fantasy

Duration: 123 minuten

Alternative title: Demon Pond

Country: Japan

Directed by: Masahiro Shinoda

Stars: Tamasaburo Bando, Gō Katō and Tsutomu Yamazaki

IMDb score: 7,1 (765)

Releasedate: 20 October 1979


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Yasha-ga-ike plot

Just outside a small town in 1930s Japan, a mysterious pond is populated by mythical creatures. Gakuen is a teacher looking for his missing friend Akira. His search leads him to the town. When he is helped by a woman to eat, he finds out that she is married to Akira. His friend Akira is responsible for ringing the bell in the town. If not done correctly, one of the mythical creatures from the pond will flood the town.

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