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Blind Dating (2006)

Romance | 95 minutes
2,89 228 votes

Genre: Romance / Comedy

Duration: 95 minuten

Alternative title: Blind Guy Dating

Country: United States

Directed by: James Keach

Stars: Chris Pine, Eddie Kaye Thomas and Jane Seymour

IMDb score: 6,0 (12.747)

Releasedate: 28 July 2006

Blind Dating plot

"Date at your own risk."

Blind Danny has trouble taking the first steps in love. The help of his not so bright older brother doesn't help much either. Then he meets the Indian Leeza, but she has already been promised to someone else.

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El ralpho

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Didn't expect that I would find this film entertaining looking at its cover, but never judge a book by it's cover..Although I expected a cheap B-movie, Blind Dating is surprisingly well done, and just like the jokes just a little too Starting to get faint, the film makes sure it picks itself up and also pays attention to the story. This is of course drawn up according to the success formula (so you know from moment one how it all starts and how it ends) but success formulas don't have to be bad if they work well. The genre is simply predictable and as a viewer you should try to take this into account.

What I also liked was that the theme of being blind was treated fairly respectfully because it is not a subject that you have to mock for an hour and a half. The title in its last part even leans more towards a more serious title where the vulgar jokes disappeared more into the background. however, it felt like the makers made the right choice. Blind dating is not really a high-profile title and will cause few surprises, but it does what it's supposed to do. Namely a nice smooth comedy, where you as a viewer know exactly what to expect, and that is sometimes nice.


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Mediocre film about a blind young man who has never had a girlfriend and starts dating. Apart from the blind main character, a fairly typical rom-com. There really isn't much to laugh about (except for the scene in which he pretends to be a sighted person). It lacks some focus at the beginning, which makes it seem a bit messy.

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Romcom about the yo-yo relationship between a blind young man and a young woman of Hindu descent. The basic theme – boy gets girl, boy doesn't get girl – has been filmed countless times, but the divergent backgrounds of the two main characters provide fun complications in the film. A predictable film that occasionally collapses, but is amusing overall.

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