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Bodas de Sangre (1981)

Music | 72 minutes
3,24 19 votes

Genre: Music / Drama

Duration: 72 minuten

Alternative titles: Blood Wedding / Bloedbruiloft

Country: Spain / France

Directed by: Carlos Saura

Stars: Antonio Gades, Cristina Hoyos and Juan Antonio Jiménez

IMDb score: 7,4 (2.008)

Releasedate: 25 October 1981


Bodas de Sangre plot

Antonio and his dance company return to the studio to rehearse Frederico Garcia Lorca's work "Bodas de Sangre". Before they start, they warm up and help each other with make-up and costumes. During the preparation Antonio reminisces about his youth and the great flamenco dancers who influenced his work and his life. Then the dance that dramatizes the feud between 2 families begins. The son of one family is about to get married. On the day of the wedding, his bride runs off with a member of the rival clan. This leaves the groom with no choice but to pursue them and engage in a fight to the death. Second in Carlos Saura's series of dance films.

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