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Un Tranquillo Posto di Campagna (1968)

Horror | 106 minutes
3,20 23 votes

Genre: Horror / Mystery

Duration: 106 minuten

Alternative title: A Quiet Place in the Country

Country: Italy / France

Directed by: Elio Petri

Stars: Franco Nero, Vanessa Redgrave and Georges Géret

IMDb score: 6,5 (2.082)

Releasedate: 14 November 1968


Un Tranquillo Posto di Campagna plot

"In a quiet place she strips away the structure of his mind and body... piece by piece."

An artist, Leonardo Ferri, believes that hectic city life is no longer an inspiration for him and he decides to go to the country. His new home, the home of a nymphomaniac who was murdered as a seventeen-year-old during the war, makes him more nervous. It even conjures up dreams where he kills her.

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