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The Visitor (2022)

Horror | 86 minutes
1,97 29 votes

Genre: Horror / Thriller

Duration: 86 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Justin P. Lange

Stars: Finn Jones, Jessica McNamee and Donna Biscoe

IMDb score: 4,3 (3.177)

Releasedate: 7 October 2022

The Visitor plot

"Where he goes, death follows."

Robert moves with his wife to her parental home. The couple is still going through a difficult period after some dramas. In the house, Robert comes across an old portrait of a man who looks eerily like him. When he wants to find out the identity of the portrayed person, he ends up in a downward spiral.

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Just a bit too qualitative to call it amateurish, but otherwise the course of The Visitor is anything but successful. Especially the pace and tone are very serious, the concept on the other hand is nonsensical and too thinly worked out to really work. The idea of a ghost painting nevertheless seemed interesting beforehand. However, where this movie, like a lot of similar investigative horror movies, gets stuck on is making the investigation somewhat interesting. director Lange doesn't actually do anything new, you as a viewer can draw out the story early on and if it is then rather heavy and depressed about it, it quickly turns into a difficult sitting. Still, I was quite pleased with some angles and the film still has okay acting. More positive points are difficult to list, so I'll just end my post.

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