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Pulse 2: Afterlife (2008)

Horror | 89 minutes
1,86 95 votes

Genre: Horror

Duration: 89 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Joel Soisson

Starst: Jamie Bamber, Georgina Rylance and Karley Scott Collins

IMDb score: 3,4 (3.015)

Releasedate: 30 September 2008

Pulse 2: Afterlife plot

The world has completely changed. A large group of ghosts have found our world via the wireless internet. Cities have been abandoned, technology has been destroyed and only a few living people are left. This group of people must do everything they can to try not to come into contact with these evil spirits, who now roam the earth. But that's not so easy.

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avatar van Elineloves


  • 24062 messages
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I'm starting to doubt for a moment whether I've seen the right film, because I don't think the above description fits at all with what I've just seen.

The movie isn't total crap. I understand that many people cannot appreciate the film at all, especially not as a horror film (because it is more drama, you cannot ignore that) but I found it fascinating enough to continue watching.

It starts quite slowly, mother's search and the denouement to what happened took a little too long, but after the plot twist it became a little more interesting. The dad who flees to get his daughter to safety was nicely depicted. It's nice that Dad's very annoying mistress is quickly out of the picture, what a nasty person.

So that guy in red really had no added value, it would have been better to leave it out and focus entirely on the torn apart family.

The ending was pretty cool, although predictable.

Not much gore, occasionally a tense moment, but I still secretly enjoyed it.

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avatar van Gang_Star


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Lousy second part after the fairly strong first part. Has a completely different interpretation in which the atmosphere and darkness have completely disappeared and which also takes the power out of the film. Pulse 2 feels like a cheap sequel that looks more like a drama film with occasional horror moments in which there was little to enjoy in terms of gore and the tension is minimal. A very weak sequel.

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avatar van Noodless


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Weak sequel to the solid first part. The focus here is more on drama than horror. Here you get a picture of a divorced family where both father and mother want to do everything to help their daughter in this epidemic that comes from the internet. While in part 1 the epidemic is spreading in schools, it will take place all over the world. It seems safer outside the city. The camp content is high, especially considering how the ghosts wander around and are depicted. The role of Todd, who plays the man in red, is negligible and has little to do with the story itself. There is also a bit of nudity, played by the shapely Boti Bliss who manages to infect one of the locals with the internet virus. 4/10

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