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Hexen Geschändet und Zu Tode Gequält (1973)

Horror | 90 minutes
2,00 9 votes

Genre: Horror

Duration: 90 minuten

Alternative title: Mark of the Devil II

Country: West Germany / United Kingdom

Directed by: Adrian Hoven

Starst: Erika Blanc, Anton Diffring and Percy Hoven

IMDb score: 5,0 (332)

Releasedate: 26 January 1973


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Hexen Geschändet und Zu Tode Gequält plot

"The Devil Won't Let Go!"

Balthasar von Ross is a famous witch hunter around 1600. When he visits an inn one day, he sees the beautiful Elisabeth, who, however, wants nothing to do with the hunter. The hunter responds with the announcement that she is a witch, in order to get her under his power.

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