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The Princess Bride (1987)

Fantasy | 98 minutes
3,28 740 votes

Genre: Fantasy / Comedy

Duration: 98 minuten

Country: United States

Directed by: Rob Reiner

Stars: Robin Wright, Cary Elwes and Peter Falk

IMDb score: 8,0 (461.160)

Releasedate: 25 September 1987

The Princess Bride plot

"It's as real as the feelings you feel."

The story is set in the fictional country of Florin. Princess Buttercup falls in love with the groomsman Wesley. The young couple swear eternal loyalty to each other. But then Wesley is murdered by a band of pirates during a sea voyage. Buttercup firmly believes that she will never love anyone else again. Five years later, she is kidnapped by a couple of crooks at the behest of the dark prince Humperdinck, who wants to make her his bride. But out of nowhere, a mysterious man in black appears and tries to save her with his masterful fighting technique.

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Full Cast & Crew

Actors and actresses

The Princess Bride

Inigo Montoya

Prince Humperdinck

Count Tyrone Rugen

The Grandfather / Narrator

The Grandson

Miracle Max

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  • 12392 messages
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Reasonable film about a young woman who is in love with the groomsman but is married off to a prince. The story of this fairy tale is rather standard and despite the fact that it is presented adventurously, it is sometimes a bit monotonous. The somewhat self-conscious humor is the greatest asset of the film and gives the whole an original twist.

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Reasonable. A little too much romance for me. Perhaps also a bit woodenly acted at times, although that is perhaps more because of the more practical effects. They sometimes feel a bit theatrical. That may have its charms, but all in all I thought it was a mediocre film. Good actors with Cary Elwes and Robin Wright (what a beautiful woman in her younger years). I didn't really know the rest. There is also a certain humor in it that perhaps didn't always reach me very well. The highlight is probably dueling Spaniard and Elwes. Robin Wright actually had quite a meaningless role if you put it all together afterwards. I also think pretty hard to play. As an actress you undoubtedly want to prove yourself, especially at that age, but it seems difficult for her to do that here. The script is pretty mediocre and the story feels pretty standard. In the style of a NeverEnding Story, but with a more romantic focus and less fantasy.

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