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Panna a Netvor (1978)

Fantasy | 83 minutes
3,67 49 votes

Genre: Fantasy / Mystery

Duration: 83 minuten

Alternative title: Beauty and the Beast

Country: Czechoslovakia

Directed by: Juraj Herz

Stars: Vlastimil Harapes and Václav Voska

IMDb score: 7,5 (1.919)

Releasedate: 2 March 1979


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Panna a Netvor plot

Julie is the daughter of a bankrupt merchant. Unlike her two half-sisters, Julie is not greedy for money. She decides to save her father's life by going to the Castle of the Haunted Forest instead. Julie encounters the Beast there, but when he wants to kill her, her beauty prevents him from doing so. Although she is forbidden to see him, Julie begins to love him and her love saves him from his curse.

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This video may also be there. It all looks perfect and yes, that director must have been familiar with the work of Hieronymus Bosch given the appearance of the Beast. This version of "Beauty and the Beast" is also very atmospheric, partly due to the very appropriate decors and the accompanying organ music. But what of course stands head and shoulders above all is the appearance of the exceptionally beautiful Julie, beautifully played by Zdena Studénková. Well, I just have a soft spot for beautiful women. And for me that plays a very important role in the assessment of a fairy tale like this .

Oh yes, just this. In my review of Spalovac Mrtvol (1968) I wrote this, among other things:

It's a shame that the Prague Spring came to such an abrupt end and that Czech cinema came to a standstill for twenty years.

I take back these words; "Panna a Netvor" and two other very beautiful fairy tales, also made in the communist Czech Republic after the suppression of the Prague Spring, have proven me wrong.


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Special adaptation of Beauty and the Beast.

This Czech version of the fairy tale focuses mainly on the atmosphere, which is very dark and mysterious. The decoration and cinematography are excellent. The mist-shrouded forests and the strange castle where the beast hides feel otherworldly. Reality and fantasy are perfectly interwoven in this horror fairy tale. But to be honest, the animal does look a bit clumsy. The fragments in which they show him running back and forth in his flapping cape are especially funny. I would have preferred to see the beast in the form of a grotesque monster instead of a man in a carnival costume. In my opinion, a deeper, demonic voice would not have been out of place to emphasize the horror elements even more.

Fortunately, that does not mean that the acting is clumsy. I often find this to be too theatrical in older films like this. I don't know if it's because of the setting or perhaps the more sober approach of the Eastern Europeans, but with this film it wasn't that bad. The role of Belle in particular is portrayed very strongly. In addition, the split personality of the beast is an interesting fact that could have been spent more time on.

As the film progresses there is more and more room for romance. The heavy, ominous organ music regularly makes way for beautiful classical pieces. Unfortunately, that also immediately brings with it a lot of sentimentality. The clichéd ending in particular was a loss. Fortunately it was quickly resolved. This made it seem as if the director himself did not have the ending in mind, but was bound to the original story. After reading Baggerman's message about the censorship, I wouldn't be surprised at all.

Fortunately, the positive feeling prevailed when the film was over thanks to the strong atmosphere and idiosyncratic approach.

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The Czech director Juraj Herz makes off with the age-old fairy tale, but the effect is unfortunately limited. Now I admit that an environment like this rarely appeals to me, but nevertheless the beautiful nature shots during the opening gave me a boost. The decoration of Panna a Netvor is very successful and the detail is quite impressive, but in the end it is the characters that simply do not cooperate. The acting is generally too simplistic and unconvincing and the costumes feel cheap. The whole thing lacks a factor that can ensure that it remains continuously interesting, but this is completely missing here. Now Herz and his screenwriters introduce quite a few original concepts and ideas, but the elaboration of the romance in particular seems distant. I was surprised that the characters still had such a genuine interest in each other, but apparently you have to take that for granted with these types of stories.

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