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Flukten over Grensen (2020)

Family | 96 minutes
3,06 32 votes

Genre: Family / War

Duration: 96 minuten

Alternative titles: The Crossing / Op de Vlucht

Country: Norway

Directed by: Johanne Helgeland

Stars: Anna Sofie Skarholt, Bo Lindquist-Ellingsen and Samson Steine

IMDb score: 6,4 (959)

Releasedate: 14 February 2020


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Flukten over Grensen plot

"Finally there's a film about the war for the entire family!"

During the Second World War, in December 1942, four children were displaced. Sarah and Daniel are Jews about to be deported, but hiding in Otto and Gerda's basement until they are discovered and their parents are arrested. They have to travel to distant neutral Sweden.

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