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Le Sang d'un Poète (1932)

Experimental | 55 minutes
3,30 71 votes

Genre: Experimental / Fantasy

Duration: 55 minuten

Alternative title: The Blood of a Poet

Country: France

Directed by: Jean Cocteau

Stars: Enrique Rivero, Elizabeth Lee Miller and Pauline Carton

IMDb score: 7,2 (7.569)

Releasedate: 20 January 1932


This movie is not available on US streaming services.


Le Sang d'un Poète plot

Surrealist film in which a poet is confronted in various episodes with the questions of life, death and art.

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Thought this was cool actually! Le Sang d'un Poète is an incredibly surreal work by Cocteau Très bizarre, but in a way that appealed to me. Not that I understood everything (far from it and you don't have to), but the crazy images just looked cool. Partly due to a very short playing time, this continues to be fascinating.

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Nice to see that experiments were done so long ago. In any case, Cocteau had courage and tries to show something original here, which he largely succeeds in. Visually it looks nice, even if it looks outdated in some respects.

Surrealism is portrayed in a nice way, but the real wow feeling is missing here. In the second half it also gets a bit repetitive, but luckily it doesn't last too long, so it never started to disturb or irritate. Nice, but certainly not as good as his later La Belle et la Bête.


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mjk87 (moderator films)

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Mwoh, this is mainly a fellow images. Sometimes nicely shot with some very nice finds (going through the mirror) but even despite the short playing time these kinds of things don't interest me. 10 minutes still goes, 20 is too much, let alone 50. Not that the movie gets any worse, but I'm done with it. Content-wise, this thing didn't captivate me and then there's not much left. Nice, but I prefer to watch it at my own pace. 2.0*.

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